Salmon Fishing
When most people think of fishing in Oregon, they think of Salmon Fishing. Oregon is famous for Chinook and Coho runs and when the salmon are running, we are out there fishing for them!
Steelhead Fishing
Steelhead Fishing is a client favorite at Lured Guide Service and fishing with Lured Beads is the ultimate fishing method. Once you’ve landed your steelhead on a Lured Bead, you’ll be hooked for life!

Most Oregon Sturgeon are under 100 pounds, but there are also places we fish that the Sturgeon grow 200 – 300 pounds or more. These fish are a blast to catch and even more fun to eat!
Bottom Fish
Ocean Bottom Fish is more of a category of fish than a species, the most popular of which are Lingcod, Sea Bass and many others. These fish are fun to catch and make a delicious meal.
Who doesn’t enjoy fresh Dungeness Crab? The Oregon coast is a great place to get Dungeness Crab and we generally will also set out crab pots while we are fishing the costal waters.

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Recent Fishing Reports
Tillamook Bay
Tillamook Bay is an amazing fishery for both freshwater and saltwater adventures. Tillamook Bay has both runs of Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon. The Chinook Salmon in the fall tend to be very large with fish over 30 pounds being fairly common. Tillamook Bay also...
2022 Kokanee Fishing in Oregon
Kokanee Fishing in Oregon just seems to be getting better and better as the years go on. Kokanee is the predominant species of fish in many lakes and reservoirs throughout Oregon. Around our area Detroit reservoir and Green Peter reservoir are two of the most popular....
2021 Fishing Out of Depo Bay
If you are looking for an ocean bottom fishing trip then consider joining us at Depo Bay. Depo Bay is considered the smallest natural harbor in the world. Unlike many harbors, the time it takes to get to open ocean waters is only a few minutes compared to a half hour...
Incredible Fisherman
Randy Bales and I have had a number of conversations about fishing in Oregon and in particular Bead Fishing in Oregon. Randy has "written the book" on this style of fishing and has built a very successful business on his passion and knowledge. You can find Randy's...